onion emoticon Pictures, Images and Photoslaugh emoticon Pictures, Images and Photosonion emoticon Pictures, Images and Photosonion emoticon Pictures, Images and Photosonion emoticon Pictures, Images and Photosonion emoticon Pictures, Images and Photosonion emoticon Pictures, Images and PhotosDizzy Pictures, Images and PhotosOnion Head Emoticon Pictures, Images and Photosonion emoticon Pictures, Images and PhotosOnion Head Emoticon Pictures, Images and PhotosOnion Head Emoticon Pictures, Images and Photosonion emoticon Pictures, Images and Photosonion emoticon Pictures, Images and Photosonion emoticon Pictures, Images and Photosonion emoticon Pictures, Images and PhotosOnion Head Emoticon Pictures, Images and Photosonion head Pictures, Images and Photosonion head Pictures, Images and PhotosOnion Head Emoticon Pictures, Images and Photosonion head Pictures, Images and Photosonion head Pictures, Images and Photosonion head gif Pictures, Images and Photos

aeiou / aieou

OBSESSED with onion heads cos i think they are CUTE

MAC + BOBBI BROWN are her daily routine drugs

Hair styling is her PASSION

Forever a PISCES

The lady
live free live life

aditia | mai | Buris | Erza | halid | jessy | Nits | Fahmi addy | Ebel | ciboi | mimik | Sibaby | D-za | ayen | Jimmy Mran| Pitch | Me Pakhirah| Mimie

Song playin' in my head

click on the Vid to listen to music.
Written @ Wednesday, February 02, 2011

this is going to be short as i have to besiap2 before lover fetch me for dinner.j ust had "the" conversation with momma and my newly wed sister - janah in the kitchen. cereta-cereta, gossip-gossip2 dari aku balik from uni at 5ish pm til 7ish pm. siuk! missing siadit! so yeah! FUN!! and yes, my dear friend md sumardi a.k.a idrakie indzar gave texted me yesterday. told me, he has something for me birthday. SUPER ADVANCE and SUPER SEMANGAT, i know. but sweet kaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!


so anyway, darlin and i had a date. . brekkie, lunch, hi-tea, din-din. just him, i and our cammy! i had sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun! laughter, laughter, laughter! i looove my hero! i love my boyfriend. so muchos! had never been this happy.  more pictures on facebook.

playing with the curtain!

these are mine and his. the food - ok ok aja ! KULIQ!

Staring out the window. eseh! eseh! esen2 inda sadarlahhhhh~